Magnet Score: measure your employer appeal 

Profiling yourself well in the job market starts with knowing yourself. Where is your organisation's attraction for talent? You measure it with the Magnet Score!

The Magnet Score in brief 

  • Measure the attractiveness of your workplace. What are your unique organisational qualities? And where is there potential for improvement. If you know this, you can take a strong position on the labour market and build an even stronger employer for the future.
  • The Magnet Score offers data-driven insight into employer attractiveness. Developed with psychological and scientific insights in collaboration with Eveline van Zeeland.
  • The methodology is based on the EmpAt scale by Berthon et al (2005). The only validated measurement instrument in the field of Employer Attractiveness.

From work perception to brand perception:
the 6 pillars you can work on

Do you really want to stand out as an attractive employer? Then it is important to know where your differentiating strengths lie. You can do this by excelling on six pillars that form a foundation for being an irresistible employer:

  1. Fascinating: How inspiring and motivating is the work you offer? Organisations that manage to captivate employees create engagement and motivation.
  2. Development: Employees want to grow. Do you offer enough opportunities for personal and professional development?  

  3. Social: A pleasant working atmosphere and good interpersonal relations contribute to job happiness. How well does your organisation match this? 
  4. Economic: Market-based and transparent remuneration is a basic requirement. Are you competitive in what you offer?
  5. Meaningful: Meaningful work that contributes to the well-being of customers, patients or society as a whole gives employees deep satisfaction and strengthens their commitment to the organisation. 
  6. Vital: Healthy employees are more productive. What initiatives do you have to support their physical and mental health?

Each pillar is measured on a 5-point scale. When an organisation achieves a score of 4 or higher on one or more of these pillars, it distinguishes itself as an irresistible employer in this area. Such a score is not only a confirmation of quality, but also acts as a powerful magnet for talent.  

Besides knowing the qualities of your organisation, it is also important to know which aspects talent really cares about. The Magnet Score measurement also provides insight into this. These insights help set the course: in which area do you want to further strengthen your Employer Brand in the coming years?

Strengthen your employer brand with the power of the Magnet Score

The co-developed Magnet Score offers insights into your organisation's attractiveness as an employer based on data and psychological insights. It helps optimise attraction, work experience and loyalty. This tool combines science and data with the power of human connection. This is how you build an employer brand based on facts. A employer brand that ensures lasting results.  

The Magnet Score was developed in collaboration with independent scientist Eveline van Zeeland. Her expertise in marketing psychology and neuroscience aligns well with the underlying objectives of the Magnet Score. The methodology is based on the EmpAt scale by Berthon et al (2005). The only validated measurement instrument in the field of Employer Attractiveness. This methodology has been enriched with current insights regarding the labour market.

The Magnet Score in practice

You know the drill; you have a traditional Employee Satisfaction Survey (MTO) conducted and you receive a nice, comprehensive report with all the scores. But where do you start? What are you going to do? Unfortunately, we often see this process get stranded early and employees have no idea what actually happens with the input they have given.   

The Magnet Score focuses very concretely on 6 pillars so you don't get bogged down in too much detail. It becomes immediately clear where the attractiveness of your organisation lies and where there is potential for improvement.   

The Magnet Score is a quantitative assessment that provides good input for a qualitative assessment. We do this by holding interactive workshops with colleagues. During these workshops, we discuss the results of the digital survey using various working methods. This way, employees are informed of the results and are given tools to get started themselves.  

Curious about more?  

Download the white paper: 'Discover the 6 pillars of being an attractive employer' here or contact us to find out how we can help your organisation improve its work experience and talent attraction.  

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employer brand that works?

Schedule an introductory meeting and discover how our nonstop employer branding model makes your organisation irresistible to talent.

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